Horribly Lovely

An experiential novel journeying into one's own love story and the messiness of being human. 

What's the book about?

Have you ever had a big fight with the one you love and realized you were in a fight with yourself?  Inside there's a part of you screaming in the dark, afraid to express the real unfiltered you that's hiding in the shame of a horribly lovely dumpster fire. 

As an an empathic neurodivergent love addict confused by the masculine box of society, this book is an alchemical adventure into love.  The main character, the poetic voices in my heart.  The heroine, the romantic relationships that viscerally brought it back to life.

For closet romantics

For steely expressers

For symbolic seekers

You love love and want vulnerability with all the uncomfortable darkness.

You love all your feels but have never allowed yourself to just be messy with someone.

You love the beauty in life and wonder about the meaning of the cover color Amaranth.

Give me the plot

Ben just had an affair. The person in the mirror is much different than the Ben others see him to be. Through relationship after relationship, he traverses into the hell of his unconscious to try to understand the shadow of love.  Does he finally find love?






A boy hiding in the shadows of love.

The consumptive addiction of love.

The war inside the guise of loving peace.

The cracking found in the mirror of love.

The surrender of control to feel love.

Take the alchemy quiz

Take the alchemy quiz to find out what stage of transformation you're growing through. After taking the quiz, you can get a copy of our alchemy guidebook and even book a time to talk to us more about what you're going through. 

Carl Jung was a guide in the process of my writing and alchemy was a form to see the beauty in the chaos. Hidden in the form and chapters of this book are seven alchemical stages ripping all the layers of lead away to reveal gold. 

To be real with you, I'm not sure who wrote this book. Sometimes the voices were so loud, it felt like a screaming match between spirit and my soul. In each chapter is a deeper part of me expressing the horrible and lovely messiness of being a human being. 

Read this disclaimer!

Things in this book will trigger you. It is a raw, honest, graphic, vulnerable, traumatic and visceral story of soul embodiment.  There are no cover-ups or adaptations so as to preserve the energic signature of the work. Our online community offers extra content and real people to support your reading experience.

What others are saying

A truly unique, tragic and beautiful story of love and loss. The stories and writing style gripped me from the very beginning. A must read for anyone who has felt the highs and lows of love.

- Colin

It is a pleasure to recommend this book to everyone who has struggled or is struggling with obsessive compulsions related to escaping the gift of this “Horribly Lovely” life.

- Lois

How you wove the stories together and lay them side by side then stagger stitch them is very very cool. I see myself in Ben. I see myself in everyone. I love Ben. I hate Ben. It's all the feels.

- Rachel

Free with each copy

Buy your copy on Amazon today. In each copy is a code that gives you free lifetime access to our private community where you can get extra content and have back and forth discussions with the author about the messiness of human love.

A support community

Why do I need to join a community to read it? 

We understand the power of words and the impact they can have emotionally when reading something deeply personal and authentic. We created a community to support everyone in digesting the depth of the book and in understanding what might be happening inside of them.

Stories are universal and every chapter of this book has the potential to connect us more deeply with our own psyche. All of us are part of this book, living real life stories collectively. Think of the community as a private book club, alchemical learning guide and emotional support circle all in one.

Here are a few benefits of joining.

  • Read the book for free, with real time chapter updates
  • Watch videos explaining each chapter with discovery questions
  • Connect with others online (by chapter) to share your thoughts
  • Join monthly small groups to express your story (by chapter)

Ready to start reading?

Here are three ways to read the book with three different styles of immersion.




For individuals that bought it on Amazon and want to explore what is coming up in intimate small group Zooms with the author.

For individuals that just want to read a chapter or two to see if they like it and aren't sure if they want to engage more deeply.

For individuals that bought it on Amazon and want to watch videos about each chapter to feel more support in their reading.

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* To make sure you know there are no strings attached, the Like and Love memberships include a 30 day free trial with no credit card required upfront. Yep, really.

About the author

Jon writes using the Enneagram to express the depth and lived experience of the art of transformation. He aspires to weave together spiritual and psychological narratives that are human, honest and uncomfortable.

Jon is also a design coach, consultant and teacher, helping organizational teams at the brink work in a whole new way. Using the Enneagram, teams unlearn old ways of working by relearning new ways of being.

Within his life, a paradox has existed, two sides always competing and unable to integrate as one. He continues to live into it, facing his own dualistic nature by being unapologetically authentic in how we love one another and ourselves as human beings.

Published with HOPE

Horribly Lovely is published through Melisa Keenan, founder and CEO of Heart Open Publishing Enterprise (HOPE). Rooted in integrity, transparency and community, HOPE exists to help authors create and share their sacred stories with the highest level of care. The HOPE team values the unique healing each author encodes in the deeper words that they alone can convey.

Questions we often get

What is the book rated? 

I'd say if it were a movie, it'd likely be R. There are adult themes, sexual content, hard language and drug usage. I'd suggest readers be 17 years of age or older.

What about trauma content?

The content explores various traumatic events and the visual nature of the writing may bring up feelings for those suffering with PTSD or C-PTSD.

We will happily refund your membership within 30 days of renewal or the initial purchase. You can request a refund through our community platform, Circle.

What is your refund policy?

Everything you share within the community is 100% private to its members. Your information will never be shared or distributed publicly without your consent. 

How private is the community?

Is the book really just $0.99?

Yep. You will also receive ongoing edited versions of the book. And you won't be charged for 365 days. When published, you can purchase a final copy if you'd like.

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